Campaigns Latest campaigns by Farm Transparency Project Shut down slaughterhouses After ten years of investigating commercial animal abuse, we’ve had enough. Victorian piggeries 2025 Twenty farms investigated in one weekend Cows killed in horrific Melbourne truck crash End dairy slaughter Over the past year, we've captured shocking new footage of the dark reality of Australian dairy farming. The Price of Pork From birth to slaughter: the inherent cruelty of the pig farming industry. Ban gas chambers We hid inside one of the pork industry’s gas chambers with a camera. Now you can watch what they label as 'humane'. Rabbit farming and slaughter We uncovered the brutality of commercial rabbit slaughter for the first time in Australia. Dingo trapping Native wildlife tormented and killed by the Victorian Government for sheep and cattle farmers Sow stalls Still widespread, five years after the industry's phase-out deadline Hens burned alive Fire at intensive egg farm kills tens of thousands of birds Crocodile farming cruelty Luxury fashion houses implicated in mass factory farming and slaughter of native icons Landmark High Court challenge to Australia's ag-gag laws We’re taking on ag-gag laws in Australia, and we need your help. Not so merry Christmas The Life of a Christmas Turkey Dehorning and corruption Painful dehorning of calves, infamous Wally confesses to bribery The finish line: part 2 Gerry Harvey and numerous breeders implicated Illegal slaughterhouse Still operating one year later: sheep killed without stunning The finish line NSW racing's retirement plan Kaladbro Station The rise of intensive sheep feedlots Say no to Blantyre Farms Stop the development of a new massive piggery Climate change in Australia The devastating impact of animal agriculture Goat disbudding Horn buds painfully burnt off newborn goats Goat dairy wastage The killing of unwanted male baby goats Western Sydney Meat Worx Activist goes undercover at a Sydney slaughterhouse Carey Bros Abattoir Pig and sheep slaughter Eggs exposed Male chicks shredded alive at the hatchery Aussie Abattoirs Exposing Australian slaughterhouse cruelty Aussie Pigs Australian pig farming: the inside story Aussie Eggs Australian egg farming: the inside story Aussie Turkeys External website Aussie Chickens External website Aussie Ducks External website